- The value of Trust
- Midni Respect and deliver the value of trust and Contribution to everyone's clean and green life.
- 2019
- 05Patent for Auto Backwashing Filter
- 2018
- 09New Factory at Daegu (National Water Cluster)
- 05Acquired Inno-Biz Certificate
- 2017
- 11Acquired Main-Biz Certificate
- 06Acquired Patents for Back wash filter system of 2 step filtration
- 2016
- 11Export Frontier Enterprise Certified
- 10A Member of Korean Water Cluster Conference
- 06Acquired Patents for TiO2 Coating from Korea Institute of Materials Science
- 2014
- 12Registered Professional Construction Business
- 07Opened R&D Center
- 05New Factory at GwangJu City, Gyeonggi-do
- 01Registered as Venture Company
by Korea Technology Finance Corporation
- 2013
- 12Acquired Patents for MDUV Disinfection Unit
- 03Complete Product range for Water Treatment
System Inc. RO system
- 2012
- 07Product Launch for Arsenic Removal System
- 06Acquired Patents for Groundwater Treatment
for Norovirus Disinfection
- 05Acquired ISO9001 & ISO14001 Certificates
- 2011
- 11Product Launch for Tap water & Groundwater Disinfection Unit
- 10Partnership agreement with Atlantium Technology
Ltd. / Israel
- 09Certification for Norovirus Inactivation
by AOT – First time in Korea
- 01Factory Opening
- 2010
- 10Performance test Certification for Legionella
Inactivation by AOT
- 09Performance test Certification for Microorganism Inactivation by AOT
- 05Partnership agreement
with Wallenius Water AB / Sweden
- 03Foundation of Midni Co., Ltd.
(Managing Director In-Jong Choi)
Patent I
Norovirus disinfection
Patent II
Groundwater disinfection
Patent III
UV Disinfector
Patent IV
Patent V
Patent VI
자동역세필터 성능인정
ISO 9001
ISO 14001
R&D Center Certificate
Main-Biz Certificate
Inno-Biz Certificate
Construction Biz